Tom | |
Information | |
Gender: |
Male |
Species: |
Cat |
Height: |
Unknown |
Episode debut: | |
Voice actor: |
Alex Hood |
Tom is a main character in Peep and the Big Wide World and serves as an antagonist.
Peep and the Big Wide World (TV series)[]
Tom has four ticklish feet, a tail, and triangle shaped ears. Most of Tom's fur is blue with the exception of his back that has three triangle shaped black stripes on it. Tom has a pink nose with black whiskers coming from it and his eyes are oval shaped and white with black pupils. Like his pupils, the inside of Tom's ears are black and also his body is surrounded by a black outline. Tom's claws are retractable and shown as thin and black. His feet usually have either four toes, three, or none.
Peep and the Big Wide World (1988)[]
Tom is completely covered in dark blue fur except for his tail and triangular ears which are black. His body is completely surrounded in a black outline and he has two large oval shaped eyes that have small black circular pupils. Below his eyes is a round red nose that is large with a black outline and a few black whiskers coming from it. Tom's claws are triangular and white with a black outline surrounding it.
Peep and the Big Wide World (TV series)[]
Tom is sly, trouble-making, gullible and a trickster. He often tries anything he can to physically harm or scare who he doesn't like, get them into trouble, or, to a lesser extent, try to eat them.
Peep and the Big Wide World (1988)[]
Tom is very sly and loves telling people what to do and will use them to get what he wants.
Peep and the Big Wide World (1988)[]
Tom first appeared in episode two of the 1988 version of Peep and the Big Wide World and appears as a kitten. Sometimes during the film Tom will stand up on his hind legs. He was first found by Peep playing in a bag and managed to get Peep to tell him who he was and about Peep's friends. Tom deceived Peep into making Peep think he liked birds as friends but numerous facts tell that he had intended to eat or harm them.
Tom used a log to be used as a boat to get to green island and made Peep be the navigator for the log, Quack the outboard motor, and he himself was the skipper. When Chirp accidentally landed on the log Tom tried to chase Chirp which resulted in the log being turned over and both of them swimming to shore to dry off.
Chirp told Tom that a lot of birds were at the top of the tree and Tom climbed up the tree. Tom was left on green island and was last seen there swatting at a pink butterfly he had near the tree.
Peep and the Big Wide World (TV series)[]
Tom is a kitten in the TV series of Peep and the Big Wide World. He met Peep shortly after Peep was born when Peep attempted to warn Tom about a cat being nearby. Tom often acts harshly toward Peep, Chirp, and Quack and often tries to deceive them, get them into trouble, or intimidate them. Tom has shown intelligence throughout the show but sometimes he has been shown easily deceived. Tom posses the ability to slink around quietly and climb up trees.
Episode appearances[]
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Major appearances[]
A Duck's Tale[]
Tom has been chasing Chirp. He tries to get her, but misses as Quack swims away with Chirp riding on him. Tom is eventually tired out so he leaves.
Quack's Tracks[]
Peep has found some footprints so he and Chirp follow them to see what made them. When they come to a log, they find out it was Tom that made the footprints. Chirp tricks Tom into believing that there is a spider on his tail so she and Peep are able to escape.
Shadow Play[]
Tom tricks Quack and gets him in trouble with Nellie. Later, Tom overhears Nellie "scolding" Quack again, he goes over to the backyard fence only to see Nellie barking at what appears to be his shadow (which was actually Peep and Chirp using some twigs and Quack using his tail feather to make their shadows look like a cat). Seeing this, Tom gets scared and runs away.
That's a Cat[]
That's a Cat was mainly a conversation between Peep and Tom, where Peep refutes all claims made by Tom saying that he was a cat.
Reflection Affection[]
Tom was seen in the mirror before he started chasing a leaf. Tom was later seen scaring Peep, Chirp and Quack by creeping up behind them and then Tom ran away after seeing his own reflection in the mirror. Tom found the birds again when Quack was using the mirror. Chirp later used it to produce a spot that was able to move based on how she angles the mirror. This distracted Tom and he ran away, trying to chase it.
Minor appearances[]
- All Fall Down - Tom appeared near the start of All Fall Down and is seen grooming himself before gagging and spitting out a hairball.
- Peep’s Lost Leaf - When Peep, Chirp and Quack were playing in a pile of leaves, Tom appeared and told them it’s not polite to stare at a cat. The birds ran away, but Quack returned as his hat was on Tom’s head.
- Tom's name is likely based on "tomcat", the word for a male cat.
- Given that quite a few cartoon cats are named "Tom." Such as Tom in Tom and Jerry, and Tomcat Mouse Traps.
- According to what Tom says in Quack's Tracks, it is possible he has arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
- It is unknown whether Tom is a stray cat, or is owned by a human like Nellie is.