Peep and the Big Wide World Wiki

Bridge the Gap ← Preceded by - Meeting Half-way - Followed by → Peep Plants a Seed

Meeting Half-way is the twentieth episode of season one in Peep and the Big Wide World along with Bridge the Gap which comes before it. It first aired May 7, 2004 and is written by Kate Hudec with the storyboard by Greg Hill.

Title card[]

The title card shows Peep & Chirp watching Newton & Willow walking to each other.

Condensed summary[]

Peep and Chirp meet another turtle, Willow.

Expanded summary[]

The episode starts with an apple on the ground with some leaves before showing the back of Newton. Peep and Chirp are sliding down the back of Newton. After Chirp says they should ask another turtle to play with them, Newton says he hasn't seen another turtle in years and thinks he is the only one left. Peep tells Newton that he and Chirp know another turtle named Willow who lives under a tree which delights Newton.

He wonders if Willow is as old as him. Newton says he doesn't know how old he is but when he was young, he and his tree were the same height. Peep looks at the tree and sees it's far larger than him. When Peep says that Willow lives over the hill, past the sunflowers and the hollow log from Newton's tree, Newton says it's too far for him. After Chirp suggests that Newton and Willow could meet in the middle, Newton thinks it's a great idea so Peep and Chirp go to Willow's tree.

When Peep and Chirp arrive at Willow's tree, they tell Willow about Newton and ask her if she would like to meet him halfway. Willow says she'd love to meet Newton and asks where is halfway. Peep and Chirp make a plan: Peep will pretend to meet Willow and Chirp will pretend to be Newton so they will start walking from the trees to find out where halfway is. Chirp leaves to talk to Newton. After waiting, Peep thinks Chirp is at Newton's tree so he starts walking.

When Chirp does arrive at Newton's tree, she tells Newton that Willow wants to meet him and is about to walk away when she bumps into Peep. After Chirp says she and Peep have to start at the same time, Newton suggests that they need someone to yell go. After hearing Quack singing about ducks, Peep and Chirp give him the job to yell go. When everyone is ready, Quack yells go so Peep and Chirp start walking at the same time, but Chirp is moving faster than Peep. When the two birds meet in the log, Chirp discovers that Willow's tree is closer to the log than Newton's tree, which makes her realize that she was going faster than Peep. Peep says that if he and Chirp were turtles, they would walk at the same speed, which gives them an idea.

Peep and Chirp tell Newton and Willow that they will start walking when Quack says go so they would meet halfway. When the turtles are ready, Quack shouts go so they start walking. While Newton and Willow are walking, Peep and Chirp cheer for them, but the birds are very tired because it is taking a long time.

Finally, Newton and Willow meet at the sunflowers. When Newton asks Willow if she remembers when his tree was a sapling, Willow says she does and says she remembers when it grew its first apple. Newton and Willow talk more and become friends and the episode ends with Peep, Chirp and Quack sleeping on the hill with the sun behind them.

Location appearances[]

Character appearances[]


  • The YouTube video on the episode has "Peep and the Big Wide World" misspelled as "Peep and the Bigy Wide World." [1]
  • When Peep is talking to Willow about meeting halfway, Peep is actually saying ".eert a rednu sevil ehs dna ,wolliW si eman reH" Reversing his reversed words gives you Peep saying "Her name is Willow, and she lives under a tree.", a line that came earlier in the episode.



Meeting Half-way/Transcript

